“Tiny bubbles in the wine, make me happy, make me feel fine” – Don Ho

With my best friend and her daughter leaving today for Hawaii (awesome graduation present – kudos mom!!), it got me to thinking of my last trip to Hawaii. Like every trip – the dinner reservations were almost made before the hotel reservations (but not quite). I do believe food makes a trip.

When a location is determined I usually start with Urbanspoon. It’s a good way to get reviews, check menus, days/times they’re open – with all the contact info listed right there with it in case you want to visit their website or make reservations.

When visiting Hawaii and making dinner reservations, it’s always good to check sunset times.  A lot of these restaurants are outside and a view of the sunset is fabulous. Sometimes you can even request a table with a specific view.

In the Honolulu/Waikiki area  – Dukes is one of my absolute favorites of all time.

Dukes is exactly what one thinks of when one thinks of Hawaii. It’s on the beach, it has great food, great atmosphere, open air seating, great bar, live entertainment. You name it – it has Aloha written all over it.

Dining Room Menus

Barefoot Bar Menus

Here’s a picture I took – quality is not great but you get the idea.

I made sure my friends made reservations here!

I can’t wait to hear what they think!

Have any of you ever been before? What did you think?

Everybody sing with me now…..
