
Hi! My name is Amy Poore and I am a 37 year old southern girl with a great husband and sweet 15 month little girl. Pooreamy is a play on my name and really an oxymoron because my life is full, rich and happy. I’m an open book who loves to talk, share and hopefully help others with some of the things (actual items and wisdom) I have discovered and continue to discover over the years.

I live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama which is the home of the University of Alabama (Roll Tide!) and my Alma Mater. I grew up on a farm in Cullman, Alabama eating the best fresh country food you have ever tasted! I was an only child and because my mother and grandmother were both excellent cooks I never once worried about why it tasted so good or how to recreate it (I was kind of spoiled like that – never had to help in the kitchen). Now with my love of cooking, looking back I really regret not getting in there and learning a few tricks from my Mammaw. Luckily, I have my mom to pass on recipes and helpful tips but there are several things she never felt the need to learn either.

I also believe that my raising had to do with the reason I love food – all kinds of food – as a child I had to have 3 bites of everything on my plate (brussel sprouts, liver etc.) and I had to adamantly say I didn’t like it on three occasions to not have to ever eat it again. Needless to say, in the end there were very few things that I didn’t like. Liver was one of them – I still don’t like it.

So……now I LOVE to cook and eat and I also like to share things. Blogging seemed to be a great way to do both.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy doing it.  Please feel free to make comments, suggestions and ask questions.  I’ll do my best to answer them all!

Y’all come back, ya hear???


10 thoughts on “About

  1. Jacqueline Thigpen says:

    Good Morning Amy,
    This is my first time looking at your blog hope I will enjoy it. I just moved to Northport, AL so I can be closed to my daughter and grandbaby too. My daughter live here in Tuscaloosa now 4 years and she is married and she love living here in Bama Roll Tide too.

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